Blood collection and shipping instructions – including cord blood


Blood is not accepted if the patient has ever received an allogeneic bone marrow/stem cell transplant. For these patients, DNA from cultured fibroblasts is the required specimen type. GeneDx can provide a punch biopsy kit and can culture fibroblasts on site, as needed.


Complimentary blood kits are available for US and Canadian clients. To order kits, please visit our supplies page or email

Venipuncture (Blood) Sample Collection Instructions

Safety Data Sheet – EDTA
Safety Data Sheet – Heparin


One EDTA (lavender top) tube containing 2-5 ml whole sterile blood. Several tests usually can be performed on one 3ml blood specimen. 3-5ml is the preferred volume for adults but 1-2ml is acceptable for infants.


Label with the patient name plus a second identifier such as date of birth, specimen ID or medical record number. Name and 2nd identifier on the specimen label must match what is on the test order. If Cord Blood, state so on both the label and the paperwork.


Can be refrigerated up to 7 days before shipping. Blood specimens older than 7 days can still be shipped; they will be tested if the yield and quality of DNA permit.


Blood specimens will be rejected if frozen, hemolyzed, or clotted.


Ideal handling is to ship immediately at ambient temperature for overnight delivery with arrival Monday-Saturday. Specimens can be refrigerated for 7 days before shipping. In hot weather a cool pack can be enclosed.

Ship to:
GeneDx, 207 Perry Parkway, Gaithersburg MD 20877
1-301 -519-2100