Monday, Feb. 17 is Presidents’ Day. Our lab will be open and accepting samples, but our genetic counseling services, client services, and billing services teams will be unavailable. If you need assistance, please leave a message at 888-729-1206 or; we will respond when we return on Feb. 18.

Test requisition forms (TRFs)

The most efficient way to place an order is via our online portal; however, orders may also be placed by completing one of the TRFs linked below and submitting it with the patient sample. For questions, please contact Client Services (phone: 301-519-2100, option 3; email:; fax: 201-421 2010).

Please note: GeneDx does not accept orders or patient samples from the UK or EU countries at this time.

Exome and genome TRFs

Other TRFs

Add/change test authorization 

Consent forms

GeneDx’s standard patient informed consent form can be found below in several languages. The English version is also appended to all test requisition forms. Information related to sample retention and database participation is included in the consent forms.  

If a patient would like to opt-out of being recontacted for research participation, opt-out of sharing deidentified data with collaborators, update their health information exchange (HIE) preferences, or request the discarding of their sample, please use the additional forms below.

Insurance forms

Below are forms related to the insurance billing process, including templated letters of medical necessity and forms related to the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) program. 

Insurance plans often require specific prior authorization forms for genetic testing. While many of these forms are available in the GeneDx Provider Portal, please check with your patient’s insurance provider for the latest requirements.

Medical necessity templated letters

Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) forms by state

Please see the EPSDT state attestation forms below. If your patient resides in the following states, physicians should use the general EPSDT attestation form linked below:  Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, District of Columbia (D.C.), Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Wyoming.

The following states require a state-specific EPDST form:

Financial assistance forms

We offer a robust Financial Assistance Program to help reduce the potential out-of-pocket costs associated with testing. Our Financial Assistance Program webpage offers additional information and a tool to estimate the level of assistance a patient may qualify for. 

Patients will automatically receive a financial assistance application form (below) with their final bill. Patients should complete and sign the application form and submit it to only after receiving their final bill.   

Genetic counseling services form

To learn more about our comprehensive genetic counseling services for patients tested by GeneDx, please visit our genetic counseling webpage. To request services for your patient, please complete the referral form below and return it via email ( or fax (201-605-6582).  

Medical records request

For GeneDx to release a copy of a patient’s test results to someone other than the ordering provider, please contact our Customer Service team at 888-729-1206, option 3, or email To request raw data on patients (e.g., sequencing files), please contact our data send out team at