
Are critically ill babies put on an unnecessary diagnostic odyssey because of conventional medical protocols? A new study says yes.

University of Washington shared the latest research from the SeqFirst-Neo study at the 2024 annual meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics.

A diagnosis even before symptoms begin: First results from the groundbreaking GUARDIAN study

Findings from the first 4,000 newborns screened using GeneDx genome sequencing, were published today in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 

One mom’s seven-year journey to find answers for her son’s illness. 

Ben’s illness started with seizures when he was just six-months old.

His mother, Ashley, never stopped searching for answers—and finally found them with a genome test.

Scientific showcase at ASHG 2024

Leveraging our expansive genomic database, we’re working to transform care for pediatric patients. See GeneDx research being presented at the American Association of Human Genetics Annual Meeting.